Welcome to the resource page of Supplement Rex!

Here, I have compiled a collection of valuable links to major organizations and publications in the field of supplements. It’s the natural continuation of the blog – a space where you can start your own research journey into the world of supplements.

I understand that navigating the vast landscape of dietary supplements can be overwhelming, which is why I have curated this list to provide you with reliable sources of information and guidance. Whether you are a health enthusiast, a researcher, or simply curious about supplements, this resource page will serve as your go-to reference.


These reputable organizations maintain detailed databases and they’re an excellent starting point into supplement research

  1. National Institutes of Health (NIH): The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements provides evidence-based information on dietary supplements, including scientific research, safety considerations, and regulatory guidelines.
  2. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA): The FDA oversees the safety and labeling of dietary supplements. Their website offers valuable resources on regulations, recalls, and consumer information.
  3. ConsumerLab.com: As an independent third-party organization, ConsumerLab.com conducts rigorous testing and analysis of dietary supplements. They publish product reviews and ratings to help consumers make informed choices.
  4. American Botanical Council (ABC): The ABC is a leading nonprofit organization that promotes the safe and effective use of herbal medicine. Their website features research articles, educational materials, and an extensive herbal database.


These journals are at the forefront of current science and they publish peer-reviewed articles by world-renowned scientists in the field of nutrition:

  1. The Journal of Nutrition: This esteemed scientific journal publishes cutting-edge research on nutrition and dietary supplements, offering insights into their effects on health and well-being. It’s the main publication from the American Society of Nutrition and it has nearly 100 years of history.
  2. New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM): NEJM is one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, featuring articles on various aspects of medicine, including clinical trials and studies related to supplements.
  3. Nutrition Journal: Nutrition is one of the leading journals on human nutrition research. It focuses on holistic research into eating patterns, rather than reductionist approaches.

Please note that the inclusion of a particular organization or publication does not imply endorsement or guarantee of the accuracy of their content. Even major publications and organizations can’t give personalized medical advice. This is simply something you will have to discuss with your healthcare practitioner. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Thus, the goal of this page isn’t to replace a doctor, but to give you the resources and starting points to educate yourself and be a better steward of your own health and well-being.

Remember, knowledge is power, and with this resource page, you are empowered to make informed choices about your supplementation journey. Happy exploring!